Reportage Photography
So I just happened to be standing around at the back of the crowd when I saw this little moment happening and as luck would have it a gust of wind came along…I think not! I’d be the first to agree that little moments do happen at weddings, just not always enough of them to fill an album.
It takes a huge talent to be a good photojournalistic wedding photographer. Too many people pass off snapshots as photojournalism. In snooker, there is the ‘law of many cusions’, that says if you hit the ball hard enough it will bounce off many cushions and eventually drop into a pocket. If you fire off enough digital frames, there is a good chance that you may get lucky and get a decent shot, but this isn’t photojournalism. I like to stack the odds in my favour and give people a bit of direction. Shots like this don’t happen by accident, Declan knew where to put his feet so that he didn’t get pulled over by his bride, we could have hung around waiting for the breeze to blow the veil, but this is ten past five in early March, we’d have frozen our bits off! It’s much easier to get my assistant to throw the veil in the air and step back out of shot rather smartly. Have I ruined the magic?